Logic will get you from A to B
imagination will take you everywhere
This is the tempura painting we worked on last week.
This was done by an eight year old.
It's a rainy summer day with a door that leads to an underground home. It was covered with india ink then washed away. Leaving as much india ink you want behind.
This owl was done by a 14 year old. Every feather was carefully painted without touching the next feather.
When she added the ink everything that was not painted white becomes black and every feather is now outlined with the ink.
She did a beautiful job!
Here is a before and after sample of a tempura batik technique

You can control the look that makes you happy. Simply by the of length of time you leave the ink to remain on the painting before rinsing off, or the amount of ink you remove but, it's always exiting to see what you end up with.
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