ART washes from the soul the dust of everyday Life

I have been painting almost everyday! When I paint I keep an extra piece of paper next to my work area and wipe away excess paint on the paper before I wash the paint in the water container and at the end of the week I have several papers with interesting colors on it. I'm just trying to clean my brush.
What to do with these interesting colorful papers?
Well, I decided to sketch faces on these papers!
One of my favorite artist work I admire is Amedeo Modigliani so I decided these faces were going to have long necks. A few months ago I took an on-line workshop called Tri-color faces. I put both inspirations together and had a blast!
This is Lucy. I know I will keep painting these fun paintings and I'll use all name imaginable. I need a system, I need a secretary!!!! I can't think of any more "L" names!
This is Lauren. I had to ask my kids or I'll be here all night. Not to many pretty names that start with the letter 'L'.
This is Lisa
This is Lydia!
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